Monday 28 July 2014

Welcome meet for Sydney lolitas!

Last weekend I hosted a meet with the other moderators from the Sydney Lolita community to welcome all of our new members that have joined over the past few months. It was a really cold day for a picnic, but heaps of people still turned up which was awesome and we shivered together like a kawaii huddle of penguins.
I decided to wear one of my new dresses with a lot of new pieces I've recently got! I was too eager to wear them, but they will be in my next haul post though !!
Coodinate rundown:
Dress: Angelic Pretty Little Bear's Cafe OP
Cardigan: Milk donut print cardigan
Socks: Angelic Pretty ballerina socks
Shoes: An*Tai*Na tea parties
Bag: Angelic Pretty Royal Chocolate boston bag
Accessories: Nile perch, Angelic Pretty, Taobao 
We did introductions and got everybody to get to know each other on a first name basis - including names, hobbies, what kind of lolita style we like and what we study or do for jobs. It was so cool to see such a diverse range of people like such a niche fashion !!

We held a few panels regarding different topics to do with lolita which were really helpful. Nicole did a panel on how to deal with wearing lolita in public (which got everybody talking about funny stories!), Victoria did an amazing panel of how and where to buy lolita and included a master list of tips, tricks and stores to check out, as well as a wig and make up panel by Kylie and Cherry which included a make over for one of the girls !! Kate from Rouge Arie Designs couldn't make it on the day but made a hugeeeeee PDF file of lolita sewing basic tips and advice and it's been uploaded to the community page!

I of course forgot the trivia (but still handed out prizes so everybody got cute rilakkuma pens and cookie mirrors), and everybody bought a plate of food or drink to nom on while we all got to know each other. We also did a bit of filming for an upcoming Deerstalker Pictures video which I think is gonna be all kinds of great.

Normal group shot top, and derpy photo bottom of me and my favourite minions hohohohoho~
There are heaps of meets planned that are coming up soon and I'm thinking of doing laser tag. Hopefully that's something awesome to come back and blog about, hahahaha !!

Friday 25 July 2014

Absinthe Salon, again?!

So, I ended up at the Absinthe Salon again for Bastille Day! Since it's a french place filled with french alcohol with a dress fancy (and french!) theme of course we went. I was really tired from filming all day though so I basically napped in the corner ~whoopsss~
I bought a poodle costume to wear to the event but it didn't come in time which made me pretty sad, so I wore a french flag themed co-ordinate with a dress that I have recently bought !!
Coordinate rundown:
Dress: Angelic Pretty French Doll OP w/ matching badge and belt
Cardigan: Dangerfield
Beret: Borrowed from Goldie
Socks: Angelic Pretty ballerina OTKs
Shoes: An*tai*na tea parties
Bag (not shown): Angelic Pretty french biscuit bag w/ matching passcase
Accessories: Angelic Pretty, Chocomint
From left down and then across: Elliot, Goldie Maya, Laura, Annette, Elyse, Cherry and the french flag.

The guys that work at the salon know us by name now that we've been there quite a few times (ahaha, whoops) and it's always a pleasure to see them and take over the whole place. There were prizes for best dressed and everyone in our group got one because we are da besssssssst.

 I didn't drink this time because I drove - instead I bought a drink for everybody else to share and enjoyed their drunk company. The lighting in there isn't that great to take photos though so we had to light each other with our iphone lights for selfies, hahaha !!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Cute pastries and yummy lemonade.

On Thursday my friend Emma took me to The Grounds of Alexandria for a cute lunch because I've never heard of it before. It's actually a knocked down warehouse in the middle of an industrial area that's been all prettied up with flowers, trees, vines, a fountain and a petting zoo. They're famous for their coffee and their little secret garden area and of course the food there.

I wore just a casual coordinate because we were going out shopping afterwards and it was warm sunny day which was so nice for the middle of winter !!
Coordinate rundown:
Dress: Angelic Pretty, Petite Patisserie tiered JSK
Cardigan: Emily Temple Cute, Chocolate Bar series
Necklace: Angelic Pretty, Melty Cream Donut series
Shoes: Melissa M Dreams ballet style flats
Bag: San-X, Rilakkuma
Emma showed me around and I got to see all of the flower store which also had amazing dyed coloured cactuses and roses, as well as organic homemade jams and granola mixes which is on my list of things to buy next time I go !! Their ATM machine was located inside an old telephone box which was so cute. 
The pastries, tarts and breads were all so amazing, and my favourite part was the lemonade stands where they had rose flavour and tea flavour. Emma and I got one of each and then shared because we couldn't choose which flavour we liked better. Because it was school holidays it was really busy and the wait for the restaurant was an hour long we ended up just getting the garden BBQ food which was just as amazing. We had the most amazing burgers ever.
I really wanna go again already it was just that nice. Everywhere you looked people were relaxing, sketching, chatting, eating and just having a really awesome time and it's definitely on my list of places to go on a regular basis !! Afterwards Emma and I went on a huge shopping spree in the city and I got a lot of cute things that I'll be posting about soon !!

Friday 4 July 2014

Fancy Dinner Party at Victoria's!

Last weekend a few of my close friends and I went to a dinner party at Victoria's house and it was beautiful. The night was spent playing pool, chatting and eating the delicious food she had put so much effort into and I can tell you my stomach has never been happier.

I also got to wear one of my new Angelic Pretty dresses that I recently got which ended up being a good choice because it's really roomy and I could fit so much more in my stomach, he he he he.
Coordinate rundown:
Dress: Angelic Pretty, Royal Unicorn Gobelin OP
Headbow: Angelic Pretty, Royal Unicorn Gobelin
Tights: Angelic Pretty, Musee du Chocolat series
Accessories: Angelic Pretty spoon necklace, taobao bows and brooch
Bag: Angelic Pretty three way bag replica from Taobao
Shoes: Offbrand

Also yes I do look like a midget in my outfit shots because my derpy brother doesn't understand camera but that's okay !!
From left down, then across: Victoria, Cathal, Laura, Holly, Goldie, Sophia, Maya, Jess and Elyse.
Most of my night was honestly spent taking stupid selfies with everybody in between meals and filling my wine glass maybe a little too much... I didn't even get a photo of the meal so I've stolen this picture from Goldie's instagram (@vysanthe) of all of the courses + the table setting.
Victoria took a lot of care to make sure that each dish was edible by everybody because we have a lot of people with dietary requirements in our group - so it was all organic, lactose, nut and gluten free (unless you wanted to add it in yourself once it was served).
We had pumpkin soup with greek yoghurt, slow roast with the most amazing vegetable selection ever as well as edible flowers, and then Goldie made us all chocolate fondant for dessert because she's our star dessert wizard.
From left across, and then down: Group photo, Annette, Dan and Mel, Elliot, silly photos in the middle, April, Meg, Elyse and Nicole, and then some signs we had too much wine.
At the end of the night we gave both Victoria and Goldie little gifts as a thank you for having us, and also a big thank you to Victoria's sisters who helped out with cooking and serving food for the night too !!
Everybody looked so lovely and classy, I can't wait to see them all again at the huge picnic meet up our community is having soon.