Thursday, 20 March 2014

Lolita challenge 7: People who inspire your lolita style.

I'm am so sorry for such a late post. I haven't been very well the past few weeks and so haven't been able to blog, but this does mean I have a lot of things lined up ^^!
This question of this lolita challenge was to list people that inspire my lolita style. I couldn't pick only ten so here are are two lists of people with links to their blogs, instagrams or websites. If you are listed here and do not wish to be please let me know so I can politely delete you (but still know that you have bangin' style!)


There is definitely a re-occuring sweets theme with brown, pink and cream bases - but the reason there is such a mix here is because I love how each girl pulls off their own individual style and interpretation of the dresses so well. I definitely look up to these for inspirations all the time because they're all flawlessly executed and beautiful, and hope to be able to coordinate as well as them !!

Models, idols and famous faces

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 
I'm a big fan of the Harajuku fashion scene ranging from lolita through to fairy kei and alternative fashions. These are some of my biggest idols that I try to channel not only when wearing lolita, but for everyday wear too. These girls are so amazing.


  1. Love them all! I'll add to that list to Seto Ayumi, Nakamura Risa and Peko Yura.
    Those girls are just amazing! Srsly, how the can rock an outfitt it's just inspirational.

    1. Seto Ayumi is gorgeous! I agree with everybody you've added, such amazing style!

  2. Like them all! Their coordinates are so perfect♥♥

  3. I know, right! Too amazing for words ♥♥♥!!

  4. We share some insp. even though our style seems so different. I adore herajika and xylia's cords as well. I also love vysanthe's closet and her photography is amazing.

    1. I like all elements of lolita fashion and styles and definitely admire girls because of the way they pull off certain ones ♥ !! I think for inspiration you shouldn't just draw from one set substyle, you should definitely look at everybody!

  5. Chocohoneey and Sinneddonuts are both in my comm. They are inspirational and really nice to boot! Sinneddonuts has helped me so much with coordinating; I hope to develop that "outside the box" approach too.
    Also totally agree on the various inspiration thing. I love tumblr for that. Signing up and just adding interesting looking blogs etc.
    P.S I now have a laptop so I can comment on here! My comments would magically disappear when I tried to post them.

    1. They are amazing girllsssss! I follow them so closely on instagram and facebook and I feel like a massive stalker creep but I just can't get over how great they coord!

      Ahhhhh yaaaaaaaaaaaay <3 <3!! Chat timessss.
